Monday, February 9, 2009

names changed to protect...somebody?

this guy who I met at the local cafe is doing it pretty rough. the cafe owner introduced me to him one day when he was sure a guy on the street was showing him disrespect, so this guy was going to belt him. he'd already had a run in with the Police, who'd treated him pretty rough...don't reckon it was his first run in...

let's call him John, for the sake of the argument. So I see John at the cafe today, he's dressed quite well, looking freshly groomed. he's a Cook Islander, married to an Aboriginal girl, who's living up North. He doesn't have work in Sydney, so his wife can't/ won't come down, apparently until he has some money. John works as an Electrical linesman, so companies like Country Energy, Energy Australia, Transfield etc would employ him...but, he's having trouble getting work in Sydney...he doesn't have any credit on his mobile phone, doesn't know how to use a computer/ email...soo, he asks me to call or text his wife from my phone to ask her to call I text her asking

the cafe owner calls me owner after i say goodbye to John and says, be careful of this guy...good advice which was running through my head all the while talking with John...

I take having unlimiited use of my mobile for granted and being able to use email (and the luxury of blogging). This guy has none of that...yet, society is becoming more and more geared to these methods of communication...what does that mean - disillusionment, frustration, anxiety for these people and people who have to deal with them...the fast pace of society doesn't cater well for these people, if John can't pick up a job, he can't get a place to live, can't get a phone, can't get a a result his wife stays up north and John gets more pissed off

I saw Gran Torino today at the pictures. Good dialogue and a couple of solid characters. No flash, big budget movie, good solid themes and issues in a contemporary environment

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